White Basket of 30 Books

Appropriate for Grade 3
Includes 30-Book Library, 1 Skills Card, 1 Storage Basket, and 1 Basket Sticker

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  • 30-Book Library
  • 1 White Skills Card
  • White Storage Basket
  • White Basket Sticker

Reading Level:




Titles in this collection

The titles in this leveled basket collection are continuously changing based on inventory levels and publisher availability, thus we cannot provide you with a definitive list of titles that you will receive. We can assure you, however, that all titles represent the very best in children’s literature and include a mix of fiction/non-fiction, boy/girl characters, and serious/fun topics! All of the books are hand-chosen by a team of literacy experts at American Reading Company who have evaluated more than 100,000 titles from more than 250 publishers. In the event that a basket collection you receive includes any titles that you already own, we are unable to accept returns or exchanges of any individual titles. They do make great birthday gifts!

Reading Level: White

Wt-level books include “literary” vocabulary, language not normally used in everyday speech (e.g., exclaimed, cautiously). For many students this is truly a foreign language. Students who arrive at the Wt level with a vast background of listening to higher-level books will already have much of this vocabulary. Students who have not been read to will not. Students acquire literary vocabulary through immersion in text, the same way they acquired their speaking vocabulary through immersion in oral language. Wt books have 1–2 literary words per chapter-book size page of text. Wt readers must spend enough time reading at the Wt level to acquire the 1,500 new “literary” vocabulary words expected of proficient 3rd-grade readers. This is entirely different and unrelated to decoding. At the Wt level, the major focus is on noticing these literary words and learning them through immersion in reading.

Wt readers continue to develop silent reading fluency, the ability to sustain interest across sittings, and the chapter book reading habit. Students should not leave Wt unless they are successfully reading (and finishing) at least one Wt chapter book a week.what they mean from the context. Learn more about White